Physical Health 1 Course SeptemberOptimal State Physical Health Course

Physical Health 1 Course September

Lessons: 19
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Physical Health Eddie

$550.00 on the 10th of each month for 2 months

Physical Health Training

This product is only available if you are taking the full Mental Health Specialist 300-hour course in-person with Amy Wheeler, Ph.D. See this link for details on the course.  


The official materials for the course will be sent to you in an email and you can download them and print them out, or keep the curriculum in electronic format.

The very top folder in this course contains the pre-homework that we would like you to do before you enter into the 9-day module.

Please remember that we also offer supplementary courses to give added value to your experience and training.

The handouts provided in this learning management system are extra materials that you may want to use as a resource.  We attempt to give you as much information as you might need in the future.  It is fine if you wait to look at these materials until after the module when you need more inspiration and support.


Physical Health Assessment

Factors Contributing to Pain ROM Summary Worksheet ROM-Tracking-Chart   Vayu Evaluation Worksheet   Physical Health Module Preparation VIdeo List

Fundamentals of Physical Health

Developing the Session Plan Common Language & Joint Motion Physical Health Joint Structure Function Physical Health  Physical Health Therapeutic Foundations  

Spinal Health

Cervical and Thoracic  Scoliosis   Lumbar and SI Joint 

Interoception Assessment for the Vital Ten Muscles of the Body

Remember This: Quiet Please, Take Rest So That Healing Nourishes Gunas Always Quads Psoas, Traps Rhomboids Serratus Transverse (Abs) Hamstrings Neck flexors Glutes Adductors Final Physical Health Module Interoception_Assessment_of_Vital_Ten_Muscles OSNR Vital Ten Muscles of the Body Optimal State Neuromuscular Re-Programming (OSNR) Tip Sheet (12 Pages)  

Research & Links on Physical Health and Yoga Therapy Study provides evidence that loving-kindness meditation slows cellular aging Playgrounds For Older Adults Increase Physical Activity and Decrease Loneliness Footwear Habits Influence Child and Adolescent Motor Skill Development Mapping Emotions in the Body: A Finnish Neuroscience Study Reveals Where We Feel […]

Books and Ted Talks on Physical Health and Yoga

YTTSummer2014_TruthAboutBackPain.pdf Yoga Therapy for the Individual with Persistent Pain The Pain of Opioid Withdrawal Travis Rieder on Changing the Way we Address Pain 21 Ted Talks on the Human Body Khan Academy  

Optimal State Pain Charts (5) & Resources

Yoga Chronic Pain Review CADTH 2019 Ayurveda and Chronic Pain Questions to Ask for Chronic Pain How Vagus Nerve Tone Reduces Pain Physical Pain Chart (Annamaya) Physiological Pain Chart (Pranamaya) Mental/ Intellectual Pain Chart (Manomaya) Personality/ Life Experience/ Wisdom Chart (Vijnanamaya) Emotions/ Spirituality/ Religion Chart (Anandamaya)