Yoga and Ayurveda Therapeutic Specialist : 2021 Batch
Wednesday nights from 4:00-6:00 p.m. PST time on Zoom Platform. Invitation link will be sent to you shortly.
Starts January and continues through December each year.
Krishnamacharya was a master Yogi who, over his lifetime, taught classical yoga and yoga therapy, to yoga for the mastery of the siddhi powers and spiritual aspirations. T. Krishnamacharya managed to keep these pearls together with an underlying framework that runs through all of the different expressions of his yoga teachings; the golden string that holds the pearls together. Learn how each expression of Krishnamacharya yoga is beautifully compartmentalized, as well as a part of a comprehensive yogic system of thought.
This program is designed for:
-Advanced yoga students and teachers who want to fill in the gaps of the yoga knowledge in the Tradition of T. Krishnamacharya
-Advanced yoga students and teachers who have studied with Amy Wheeler & colleagues in the T. Krishnamacharya Tradition in the past
-Advanced students and teachers who have studied in the T. Krishnamacharya Tradition: TKV Desikachar, P. Jois and Iyengar and other teachers from our tradition are welcome if they are interested in both classical teachings and yoga therapy.
-Students who want to learn how classical yoga provides the foundation for yoga therapy
-Students who work well with modern computer technology, as course is 100% online
-Students who are comfortable with online learning
-Students who have a personal daily yoga practice (asana, pranayama, meditation or chanting)
List of Homework Assignments for the Entire Course 2021
2021 Homework Wednesday Night Schedule Please note that when you turn in your homework, you will turn it into the homework in to your mentor and discuss it with them. You will also turn it into the LMS so that Optimal State has it on file for graduation requirements. But Optimal State will not be […]
How to Turn In Homework to LMS
How to submit homework to LMS Click on homework #4 and scroll down and click on Blue Box – “View the Lesson Quiz” It will bring you to a new page, scroll down to gray box “Choose File” — This will take you to your computer, choose file on your computer then click open (this […]
Instructions for Zoom Meetings and Weekly Schedule 2021
Dates and Topics 2021 Zoom_Getting Started with PC and MAC v6
IAYT Competencies Covered in Step 1 Yoga Therapy Program
IAYT Competencies Covered in Step 1 Yoga Therapy Program
Opening Chants for our Lessons
SImple Chants for Yoga Therapy Asatoma Chant Saha Na Vavatu Gayatri Mantra Practicing Sanskrit Sounds Letters of the Sanskrit Alphabet Sounds 5 Vayus Svaha 5 Vayus Namaha
Practices on Wed. Nights
Week 1 Ahimsa Practice Ahimsa Meditation Practice for the evening- Page 1 Ahimsa Meditation Practice for the evening- Page 2 Week 2 High BP, High Chol., Acidity, Back and Neck Pain- 1st Practice Week 3 High BP, High Chol., Acidity, Back and Neck Pain- 3rd Practice Week 4 Acute Pain of Neck and Low Back- […]
Week 1: Introduction to the Course
Introduction of the course & to one another Saha Na Vavatu Saha Na Vavatu Infographic Krishnamacharya Lineage– Parampara Main Texts of Krishnamacharya Lineage Svarupe- Purpose of Yoga, Yoga Sutra 1.3 Overview of Optimal State Yoga Therapy Perspective Where We Will Go Together This Year The Learning Process and Your Responsibility Shared Foundations for Yoga […]
Week 2-4: Yoga Sutra Videos Chapter 1 & 2 Manual
Yoga is Life Map The videos for this lesson are located where your main courses are accessed. Please go to “My Courses” like you do for accessing the Yoga and Ayurveda Specialist course and you should see Yoga Sutra Chapter 1 and Yoga Sutra Chapter 2. If you are in the 865 Program you will […]
Week 5-10: Optimal State Assessment Lessons
Laura Schmalzl Research Paper Discussed in Class Types of Sequencing for Optimal State-New Guna Balancing Sequencing for Optimal State- New Mental-Emotional Balancing Sequencing- New MusculoSkeletal Balancing Sequencing for Optimal State- New Spiritual Balancing Sequencing for Optimal State- New 5 Vayus Vyana Vayu Udana Vayu Samana Vayu Prana Vayu Apana Vayu Elimination-Digestion-VItality Brmhana-Langhana-Samana Burning Mala […]
Week 11 & 12: Anabolic, Catabolic & Homeostasis: Brmhana Langhana and Samana
Brmhana and Langhana Power Point Brmhana-vs.-langhana-definitions.pdf Brmhana, langhana and samana tools chart Tools Chart for Optimal State (PDF) Tools Chart for Optimal State (Word) Optimal State Breathing & Langhana Lecture How Yoga Therapy Works PDF 4 Types of practice- NEW Sample #1- NEW Sample #2- NEW Sample #3- NEW Sample #4- NEW Sample #5- NEW […]
Week 13: Intro to Sequencing with Brmhana and Langhana
Layering the Practice for Potency 35 Basic KYM Yoga Therapy Postures Yoga’s Therapy Tools Chart Basic Sequencing Guidelines Gentle brmhana is for people are are depleted and exhausted, but need to get a little more energy in oder to complete the practice. Strong brmhana is for people who have a lot of anxiety, excitement and […]
Week 14: Classical Asana Sequencing as a Foundation for Therapeutic Asana Sequencing
35 Basic Asana Postures for Yoga Therapy Small Articulations of the Spine 5 Vayus Pancha Maya Layers: Weak & Strong Pure Sattva Basic Rules of Asana Sequencing Purvanga- Pradhananga-Uttaranga Asana Breath & Movement Guidelines This week I want you to compare yoga therapy sequencing to Classical Sequencing. Classical sequencing is for the young, the strong […]
Week 15: Prana agni and mala model
Go over manuals and what they each contain. Talk about the prana, agni and mala model of subtle anatomy Show how the prana, agni and mala model shows up in all the tools of Yoga Therapy and is the key to healing
Week 16: Functional Therapeutic Asana and Breathing Patterns
Optimal State Asana Plan Spreadsheet Here is a video to help you navigate the Excel file – Calming Langhana Postures Cleansing Langhana Postures Gentle Brmhana Postures Strong Brmhana Postures This lesson is about furthering our understanding of how each yoga asana has the potential to impact the human system. Forward bends- Focus is […]
Week 16 Continued: Functional Therapeutic Asana Part 2
Breathing, Prana and Spinal Function Pdf Categories of Asana Tip Sheet Pdf Review of Lesson: Forward Bends: Apana Region: Exhale Based Backward Bends: Prana Region: Inhale Based Lateral Bends: Apana Region: Exhale Based OR Prana Region: Inhale Based Twists: Samana and Apana Region: Exhale Based OR Prana Region: Inhale Based Homework: Spend time practicing […]
Week 16.5: Inversions and Yoga Therapy
We have spoken about the subtle anatomy of forward bends, backward bends, lateral bends and twists. But we have not yet addressed inversions. Theoretically: Downward Dog (adho mukha svanasana): This posture requires quite a bit of effort to stay in the position if you are not super open in the hamstrings and the achilles tendons. Thus, […]
Week 17: Sequencing for Gentle Langhana/ Relaxing/ Calming/ Apana Vayu/ Exhale Based
3 Stages of Practice Relaxing the apana vayu Softening the apana vayu Grounding Centering Slowing down Floor practices Finding stillness inside Safety Security Deep rest state Recovery from depletion Recovery from surgery Recovery from injury Getting into a deep state of PNS Assessment Told Us That She Needs Gentle Langhana main goal Client: Chronic […]
Week 17.5: Sequencing for Cleansing Langhana- Strong Apana Vayu/ Exhale Based
3 Stages of Practice Releasing (active) Cleansing Clearing Letting Go (active) Wringing out Pushing things through Processing emotions and stress Digesting emotions and stress Cooking what is in the pot (food, life, emotions) Remember: Cooking requires some moisture Assessment Told Us That She Needs Cleansing Langhana Main Goal Client: Wants to lose some […]
Week 18: Sequencing for Gentle Brmhana- Rejuvenating/ Gentle Vitality/ Prana Vayu/ Inhalation Based
Assessment Told Us That She Needs Gentle Brmhana main goal Client: Stress leading to exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, AI disease Time of day for practice: 7 am Where have them come from? First thing in the morning to get some energy Where do they need to go to after? Teach yoga […]
Week 19: Sequencing for Strong Brmhana- Strength/ Focus/ Confidence/ Prana Vayu/ Inhalation Based
Notes from Robert Svabodha at the NAMA 2018 Conference. The three important things about healing are: Get prana to flow in the body Pay attention to the qualities of the gunas Maintain santosha (contentment) in your actions Adhikara- Only take on things in your life, love and work that are karmically right for you. How […]
Lesson 19.5: Sequencing for Samana (Balancing)
There are at least two main ways to interpret “samana practices.” Remember, all Sanksrit words have different meanings when they are placed in different contexts. For example, prana can refer to breath, life-force or the prana vayu region of the body. Three different definitions of prana depending on the context. The same is true with […]
Week 20: Krama and Anga Langhavan in Asana
Asana & Pranayama as One: Ratios in Asana: Pause after exhalation in FB and TW Pause after inhalation in BB and LB Pause after inhalation and exhalation in dynamic vinyasa Mantra as a ratio Anga Langhavan: All movement only on exhalation All movement on hold after exhalation All movement on hold after exhalation written […]
Week 21: Chanting While Doing Asana
Review from Last Week Research-on-Nose-Hairs-for-Yoga-Therapy-☺.pdf Anga Langhavan, Exhalation Based Practices and Weight Loss Therapeutic Mantra in Asana: Keep it Simple om santi, santi, santi om shrim shiryai namaha om pahi ram hram, hrim, hrum, hraim, hraum, hraha (or any single one) om somaya namaha on suryaya namama Notes on Chanting in Asana from […]
Week 22-39 Pranayama Series
I will add other worksheets and curriculum as we go each week. All Pranayama Videos For Learning & Review IN & EX Based Pranayama List Pranayama Ratios Over Time Summary of Pranayama Notes Power Point- New Visoka Va Jyotishmati Practice- New 11 Senses- NEW Purusha Indriyas Prakriti- NEW Pranayama and Managing the Fire- New Stages […]
Meditation Week 41 Onward
Meditation-Svabhava-Vasana-and-Samskara.pdf SamskaraVasanaSvabhava IAYT Article October 2014 Chant Gross to Subtle Purvanga- Pradhananga- Uttaranga Vyakapa Nyasam Avahanam Nyasam Anga Nyasam Kara Nyasam Kara Nyasam Finger Combo Kara Nyasam Finger Flicks Kara Nyasam Finger Presses Kara Nyasam Finger Slides Vyakapa Nyasam Cleaning Arms Layers of Meditation Spreading qualities Homework: Use your “Book 9 Setting Your Mind Free” […]
Meditation Week 45 onward
KYM Sequencing Handout-Final Sample Object of meditation- Sky Practice Sample Object of meditation- Faith in Self and God (Redwood) 10 Traditional Steps of Meditation Sample Object of Meditation Models for Meditation According to Indian Tradition – TKV Desikachar Nyasam Lists for KYM Tradition Meditation-on-Breath-and-Consciousness.pdf Sample Intake and Meditation Practice See Optimal State Meditation Manual
Glossary of Yoga Therapy Words
Yoga Therapy Glossary of Words That Are Commonly Used Yoga Sutra Dictionary Chapters 1-4
Student Handbook For The Class Of 2021-2023- Starting Step 1 in Jan. 2021
Student Handbook Class of 2021-2023
Online Manuals & Charts Step 1: 2019-2021 Cohorts
Optimal State Yoga Therapy Assessment Form 2019-2021 Please note the terms of use for these manuals. They are for your personal understanding and working with private clients. They are not to be used in any workshop or training program unless you have an agreement with Amy Wheeler in writing. Thank you for your compliance. Book […]
Are You Ready to Teach Meditation?
Meditation Svabhava Vasana Samskara Meditation in the Therapy Context- Basic Guidelines
Mentor Tracking Documents 100 & 865 Programs
Mentor Guidelines Log for the Mentor to Fill Out (1 Log for Each Student) Student Tracking Worksheet (To Be Filled Out Each Session)
Sample Practice- Decision Making Meditation
Intake Form for Decision Making Meditation States of Mind
Daily Practice Journal Step 1 (865 and 100)
Feel free to print this off and use it as your journal for daily practice. If you are in the 865-hour program we will ask that you show this to your mentor and the Program Director to get credit for this part of the course. It is a course requirement that you participate in self-care […]
Student Handbook For The Class Of 2019-2022- Starting Step 1 in Jan. 2019
865 Student Handbook 2019
Student Handbook For The Class Of 2020-2023- Starting Step 1 in Jan. 2020
865 Student Handbook 2020-2023
Practice Template for Optimal State Course
Practice Template to Write Up Classes
Scope of Practice for Yoga Therapy
This week we will talk about Scope of Practice for Yoga Therapy. It is imperative that we know our Scope of Practice as a Yoga Therapist and stay within it. It is imperative that we do not give “treatments” outside of our Scope of Practice. We will not be trusted by everyone else in the […]
Yoga Sutra Dictionary Word By Word
Wheeler-Yoga-Sutra-Dictionary-Chapters-1-4 Book 6 – Yoga Sutra the Path to Self-Discovery (You can download and print this one for personal use).