Mental Health 1 January 2022-2023Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression, Bi-polar, Schizoaffective & Life Purpose

Mental Health 1 January 2022-2023

Lessons: 33
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The official materials for the course will be sent to you in an email and you can download them and print them out, or keep the curriculum in electronic format. The very top folder in this course contains the pre-homework that we would like you to do before you enter into the 9-day module. Please remember that we also offer supplementary courses to give added value to your experience and training. The handouts provided in this learning management system are extra materials that you may want to use as a resource.  We attempt to give you as much information as you might need in the future.  It is fine if you wait to look at these materials until after the module when you need more inspiration and support.


Schizoaffective Disorder

Avatar Training Article NAMI on Schizoaffective Disorder Healthline on Schizoaffective Disorder Mayo Clinic on Schizoaffective Disorder

Neuroscience Handouts

Neuro Cheat Sheet Neuroanatomy I Yoga Mental Health and Brain Part 3 Action Potentials Brain and Exercise Neurons Axons and Dendrites Brain and Exercise Neuroanatomy II  

Lorelei’s Biomedical Power Points

Anxiety Biomedical Power Point Slides Depression Biomedical Power Point Slides  Insomnia Biomedical Power Point Slides Brain Scans BiPolar Power Point Slides Schizoaffective Power Point Slides    

Art of Listening: Empathetic Communication: Holding Space

Holding Space Article The Art of Listening Power Point Communication Exercises Rapport Building Interview Power Point Transference and Counter-Transference Transference and Counter-Transference Power Point Building Compliance.pdf Building Sraddha or Faith in Client.pdf

Poetry, Writing and Art Exercises for Mental Health Training

These books of poetry can be used in Yoga Therapy. Not every client can use their left brain and discuss feelings and needs in a linear, logical and rational way. Some need to express their thoughts and feelings via the right brain.  They need to use art, and music and poetry. You can read a […]

Porges and Poly Vagal Theory

Polyvagal Theory Ladder Symptoms of Trauma an PVT Porges and Body Systems Activation Porges and Social Engagement System Porges and ANS Window of Tolerance The Way Shut Down Works Trauma, Anxiety and PVC Sullivan et al,- Polyvagal Theory & Gunas Article    

Movies, Websites, Ted Talks and Books

Ted Talk:  ADHD with Jessica McCabe Ted Talk:  Autism with Rosie King Ted Talk:  Opioid Addiction and Social Isolation Ted Talk:  Autism Control and Compliance Gabor Mate and Addiction and Childhood Trauma Video Ted Talk:  Sebastian Junger on PTSD, War and Coming Home The Deepest Well book about Adverse Childhood Experiences and health outcomes Ted […]

Children’s Yoga Story & Coloring Books

It might be easier and more effective to connect with a child on their level when giving Yoga Therapy. You can print off these coloring books and read the stories to the children (and their adults). You can ask the child to color in the black-and-white drawings in the book or create their own art. […]

Seva and Svadharma (Being of service and life purpose)

Dharma and 4 Roles in LIfe Svadharma and Dharma – Desikachar Reflecting on the relationship between them   OSOL Seva Svadharma morning practice – final – Libby Levin July   OSOL Seva Svadharma pranayama class – final – Libby Levin July

Brain Series Videos

  Mental Illness (Schizophrenia, Bi-polar, Manic Depression) Schizophrenia Fear and Anxiety Depression PTSD Childhood Adversity and Brain Development Addiction Autism Dementia and Alzheimer’s Gender Identity Actual Video of a Human Brain    

Mental Health 1-Chanting Audio Files

Intro to Mantra Topic List(PDF) Audio Files: White Zone Mantras: Blue Zone Mantras: Red Zone Mantras: White/Red Zone Mantras: White/Blue Zone Mantras: Gold Zone Mantras:

Code of Ethics & Filing a Complaint

If you have a complaint, please see the policy for Code of Conduct and how we would like you to handle your concerns. Introduction to the Code of Conduct How to Initiate a Complaint