Yoga and Ayurveda Therapeutic Specialist: 2022Therapeutic Foundations of T. Krishnamacharya Yoga. Advanced 200 Hour Yoga Training.

Yoga and Ayurveda Therapeutic Specialist: 2022

Lessons: 3
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Wednesday nights from 4:00-6:00 p.m. PST time on Zoom Platform.  Invitation link will be sent to you shortly. Starts January and continues through December each year. Krishnamacharya was a master Yogi who, over his lifetime, taught classical yoga and yoga therapy, to yoga for the mastery of the siddhi powers and spiritual aspirations. T. Krishnamacharya managed to keep these pearls together with an underlying framework that runs through all of the different expressions of his yoga teachings; the golden string that holds the pearls together. Learn how each expression of Krishnamacharya yoga is beautifully compartmentalized, as well as a part of a comprehensive yogic system of thought. This program is designed for: -Advanced yoga students and teachers who want to fill in the gaps of the yoga knowledge in the Tradition of T. Krishnamacharya -Advanced yoga students and teachers who have studied with Amy Wheeler & colleagues in the T. Krishnamacharya Tradition in the past -Advanced students and teachers who have studied in the T. Krishnamacharya Tradition: TKV Desikachar, P. Jois and Iyengar and other teachers from our tradition are welcome if they are interested in both classical teachings and yoga therapy. -Students who want to learn how classical yoga provides the foundation for yoga therapy -Students who work well with modern computer technology, as course is 100% online -Students who are comfortable with online learning -Students who have a personal daily yoga practice (asana, pranayama, meditation or chanting)


Turn in All Homework Assignments for Wed. Nights Jan.- December Here

Please upload all homework assignments to this link from Jan.- December.  Then they will all be in one place for grading and reference. Please note that when you turn in your homework, you will turn it into the homework in to your mentor and discuss it with them. You will also turn it into the […]