Professional Business Development Course 2021

Lessons: 24
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Professional Development for Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists Course Payment Plan

$215.00 / month for 12 months and a $1,000.00 sign-up fee

Professional Development for Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists Course (Full Payment)



Pro Dev Course Lesson 16: Overcoming the Fear and Doing it Anyway

 Audio   Audio for Individual & Group Sessions Building Passive Income Connectivity Matters Creating an Online Library Group Class Basics Individual Yoga Therapy Clients Lighting for Teaching Group Classes Lighting Your Face & Content Creation General Lighting Small Functional Yoga Therapy Groups Online Yoga Staycation Onilne Yoga Therapy Workshops Online Passive Income Projects Mindset […]

Pro Dev Course Lesson 17: Game Changers in the Marketplace

Video 17: Part A  Video 17: Part B Video 17: Part C   Audio 17: Part A Audio 17: Part B  Audio 17: Part C   17A Module Marketing Mindset Matters 17B Module Get Thier Attention, Tell A Story and Sign Up 17C Module Getting To Yes Market Differentiating Factors Special Sauce Matters Connection […]

Pro Dev Course Lesson 19: Building Events Online with Ease

Audio     Power Point Week 19 7 steps to Launch Your First Social Media Campaign 9 Creative Ways to Use Social Media to Launch Your First Product Social Media Strategy Guide Ideas for Posting on Social Media More Ideas for Posting on Social Media    

Pro Dev Course Lesson 20: Gaining Attention in the Marketplace

Audio   Power Point Week 20 A Power Point Week 20 B Power Point Week 20 C Testimonials from Yoga Therapy Students Testimonials For New Website  9 Examples of Testimonials That Work How to Get a YES Every Time You Request a Testimonial Best Questions to Ask for Better Testimonials Business Partnership Questions We will […]

Pro Dev Course Lesson 21: Getting Them to Yes

Audio  Module 21 Power Point Writing Compelling Headlines How to Write a Headline That Captures Sales 9 Proven Headlines That Sell 4 Powerful Tactics for Writing Compelling Headlines 41 Engaging Examples of Compelling Headlines  

Pro Dev Course Lesson 22: Marketing Matters (on Social Media)

Video 22: Part A Video 22: Part B   Audio 22: Part A Audio 22: Part B Module 22 Power Point 12 Tips for Writing Copy that Sells How to Write Copy & See If It Is Working 10 Article Headlines that Got 10 Million Readers 189 Powerful Words to Use in Your Copy Sales […]